Central Washington University Regular Decision Acceptance Rate | Clastify

Central Washington University Regular Decision Acceptance Rate

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Central Washington University reported an impressive Regular Decision acceptance rate of 90.2% for the application year 2024, with 4,929 out of 5,463 applicants being accepted. This figure is slightly lower than the previous year’s acceptance rate, which also stood at 90.2% for the application year 2023, involving 5,463 applicants. However, it reflects a notable increase from the application year 2022, where the acceptance rate was 88% among 9,856 applicants. These statistics indicate a generally high acceptance trend, with a steady influx of applicants over the past few years.

Regular Decision Acceptance Rate
Total RD Applicants: 5,463
Accepted RD Applicants: 4,929
Historical Regular Decision Acceptance Rates
Class ofRD ApplicantsRD AdmitsRD Acceptance Rate
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