Dixie College Transfer Acceptance Rate | Clastify

Dixie College Transfer Acceptance Rate

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Transfer Acceptance Rate

Dixie College's transfer acceptance rate for the application year 2024 stands at a robust 76.4%, with 13,032 out of 17,081 applicants being accepted. This rate remains consistent with historical data from the application year 2017, which reported the same acceptance rate and number of applicants. Another notable statistic is the average GPA of accepted transfer students, which is an impressive 3.89, indicating a strong academic caliber among applicants. Overall, these figures highlight Dixie College as an accessible option for qualified transfer students.

Transfer Acceptance Rate
Total Applicants: 17,081
Accepted Applicants: 13,032
Historical Transfer Acceptance Rates
YearApplicantsAdmitsAcceptance Rate
Average Transfer GPA


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