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Ripon College Acceptance Rate

Ripon College has maintained an overall acceptance rate of 81% for the application year 2024, with 2,142 applicants and 1,731 accepted. The transfer acceptance rate is notably high at 76%, with 46 applicants and 35 admitted. The waitlist acceptance rate stands at 34%, with 774 students offered a spot and 262 accepting. Academic scores reveal a 25th percentile SAT score of 1,030 and an ACT score of 16, with an average GPA of 3.39, indicating a competitive yet accessible admissions landscape.

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Overall Acceptance Rate
Total Applicants: 2,142
Accepted Applicants: 1,731
Historical Acceptance Rates

Ripon College's overall acceptance rate has been consistently high at 81% for the application years 2023 and 2024, with 2,142 applicants in 2023 resulting in 1,731 acceptances, and 2,036 applicants in 2024 leading to 1,649 acceptances. The historical trend shows stable acceptance rates around the 81%-81.3% mark, indicating a steady admission process without significant fluctuations in recent years. Unfortunately, data on Early Action and Regular Decision rates is unavailable for these years.

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Wait List Acceptance Rate

For the application year 2024, Ripon College offered 774 students a place on the wait list, resulting in a 34.0% acceptance rate, with 262 students ultimately accepted. Historical data for the preceding years is not available, suggesting that this is the first detailed record of wait list statistics. The current acceptance rate indicates a relatively favorable position for wait-listed candidates, but ongoing evaluations of future years will be necessary to establish trends.


Offered a Place




Acceptance Rate
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Transfer Acceptance Rate

Ripon College boasts a strong transfer acceptance rate of 76% for the 2024 application year, with 35 out of 46 applicants gaining admission. This consistent acceptance rate mirrors that of the previous year (2023), which also had a 76% acceptance rate with the same number of applicants. Historically, detailed data for earlier years is scarce, as figures for 2020, 2021, and 2022 are unavailable. Additionally, the average GPA of accepted transfer students stands at 3.4, indicating that Ripon is attracting academically capable candidates.

Transfer Acceptance Rate
Total Applicants: 46
Accepted Applicants: 35
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Domestic vs International Acceptance Rates


Domestic Acceptance Rate
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International Acceptance Rate
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Math: 530-640
Reading: 500-680


Math: 16-22
English: 15-24
Reading: -
Science: -
Acceptances by Race
Non-Resident Alien4.4%
Black or African American2.3%
Two or More Races2.3%
Race/Ethnicity Unknown0.7%
American Indian or Alaskan Native0.2%
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