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IB Physics vs IB Chemistry

By Roxanne

January 24, 2025

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Are you choosing your IB subjects and are wondering about the differences between IB Physics and Chemistry? This post is here to give you a detailed breakdown of the differences between these subjects so that you can learn more about what each one has to offer! 



IB Physics vs IB Chemistry





IB Physics is considered one of the most challenging IB subjects, while IB Chemistry is also considered a difficult subject but is relatively easier than IB Physics. Both subjects are significantly more challenging at the Higher Level (HL) than at the Standard Level (SL), where HL students will be taught some topics in more depth than at SL due to the higher number of teaching hours required at HL. 


Official IB statistics suggest that IB Physics is the easier of the two subjects, although this is often not what IB students say. According to data from the May 2024 exam session, 19.6% of HL and 10.5% of SL Physics students achieve a grade 7, compared to just 13.8% of HL and 8.6% of SL Chemistry students. These statistics can however be very misleading. Just because a relatively high proportion of students achieve a perfect score does not necessarily mean that Physics is easier. 


The relatively higher proportion of students getting higher scores in IB Physics could be because Physics is often chosen by students who wish to pursue physics or engineering-related fields at college and hence have a stronger aptitude and motivation for the course as it is the main subject they want to pursue. IB Chemistry also has motivated students, however a larger portion of IB Chemistry students may just be taking it to support their main choice of study at college. For example, a student who wants to pursue human biology at college would prioritize IB Biology in terms of grades but would also need IB Chemistry to support their college applications. 


As such, the IB statistics may deviate from the true difficulty of the subjects. The overall difficulty of each subject depends on the aptitude each student has for the subject. Students who are comfortable with mathematics and prefer calculations may like IB Physics, while students who prefer a mix of memorization and easier calculations may like IB Chemistry.





IB Physics explores the fundamental principles governing the universe, covering topics like mechanics, thermodynamics, waves, electricity, and magnetism. Students develop analytical, problem-solving, and mathematical skills through both theory and experiments. The course emphasizes critical thinking, data analysis, and scientific communication, preparing students for advanced studies in physics, engineering, and STEM-related fields. 


IB Chemistry focuses on the study of understanding the properties and interactions of matter at an atomic and molecular level, covering topics like atomic structure, bonding, kinetics, equilibrium, and organic chemistry. Students develop critical thinking, analytical, and experimental skills through hands-on lab work and theory. The course also emphasizes scientific inquiry and data analysis, preparing students for advanced studies in chemistry, chemical engineering, and related fields. 


Both subjects place significant importance on experimental skills as well as data analysis. During both courses, you will conduct experiments, analyze results, write lab reports, and evaluate scientific methodologies. 



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The Challenges of IB Physics and IB Chemistry 



IB Physics


  • Students must understand abstract concepts as many things in physics are theoretical and need further investigation. 


  • Physics involves advanced mathematical skills, such as algebra and trigonometry in some cases, which can be challenging for students who are not confident in math.


  • Students must memorise various physics concepts and be able to then apply them in unfamiliar contexts.


  • Students must remember and apply numerous equations and fundamental laws, which can be difficult.



IB Chemistry 


  • IB Chemistry involves proficient mathematical skills, although not as complex as those required in IB Physics. 


  • Students must memorise various chemical concepts and be able to then apply them in unfamiliar contexts.


  • In IB Chemistry many topics build upon each other, so gaps in understanding earlier concepts can create difficulties later in the course.


  • Many concepts are abstract and require imaginative thinking to understand. This strong emphasis on theory can make it difficult for students to visualise the required concepts.


  • Students need to spend a significant amount of time in the lab. Sometimes hazardous materials might be used so students need to take extra precautions compared to when doing physics labs.



Who should consider doing IB Physics and/or IB Chemistry?


Students who wish to pursue Physics, Engineering, Computer Science, or other related fields would benefit from taking IB Physics as it provides a solid foundation for studying these programs at college. 


Students who like lab work and are interested in pursuing Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Biology, or other related fields that require chemistry are advised to take IB Chemistry. 


A combination of IB Physics and Chemistry can also be taken if you are really interested in it, and can also help support your application to majors such as chemical engineering, materials engineering, etc. 



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