Criterion A: The work is divided into sections: introduction, body, and conclusion.
Comment: Although the student includes an Introduction and Conclusion sections, the main body of the work is not distinctly separated from these two sections, which hinders the clarity of the framework. To improve, the student is advised to insert a section titled "Main Body", or "Exploration" before the highlighted subsections start in the work.
Criterion A: The topic of the Internal assessment is stated clearly and explained in the introduction
Comment: The student states their topic in the title - 'Investigating which type of protein achieves a greater increase in muscle mass'. The topic is further explained in the introduction - the student explains different types of proteins and how they are used in diets for building muscles and losing weight
Criterion A: The topic of the Internal assessment is stated clearly and explained in the introduction
Comment: The student states their topic in the title - 'Investigating which type of protein achieves a greater increase in muscle mass'. The topic is further explained in the introduction - the student explains different types of proteins and how they are used in diets for building muscles and losing weight
Criterion C:
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Criterion A: The introduction includes a general description of the student's approach to the topic and what area of the math curriculum the exploration focuses on
Comment: The student states their focus on statistics and includes a short section (Rationale) describing their approach to the investigation by performing a survey and using the Mann-Whitney test to check their hypothesis
Criterion A: The conclusion is a summary of the outcomes and a response to the aim of the exploration stated in the introduction
Comment: The conclusion does not summarize the findings of the exploration or respond to the aim. The student should give a short description of the results of the exploration. They should also repeat the aims of the investigation, state whether they were achieved, and support these claims by providing specific results from their findings
Criterion A: The exploration is clear and understandable throughout - no rereading of sections is necessary
Comment: The introduction to the table is on the previous table. it would improve clarity and understanding of the presented data if the table was on the same page
Criterion A: The graphs, tables, and diagrams are present in appropriate places (in the body paragraphs, after their descriptive introduction)
Comment: The figure is not properly introduced in the text. All figures should have a short description and explanation of the data they present to ensure the reader understands what is shown
Criterion A: The graphs, tables, and diagrams are present in appropriate places (in the body paragraphs, after their descriptive introduction)
Comment: The figure is not properly introduced in the text. All figures should have a short description and explanation of the data they present to ensure the reader understands what is shown
Criterion A: The graphs, tables, and diagrams are present in appropriate places (in the body paragraphs, after their descriptive introduction)
Comment: The figure is not properly introduced in the text. All figures should have a short description and explanation of the data they present to ensure the reader understands what is shown
Criterion A: The graphs, tables, and diagrams are present in appropriate places (in the body paragraphs, after their descriptive introduction)
Comment: The figure is not properly introduced in the text. All figures should have a short description and explanation of the data they present to ensure the reader understands what is shown
Criterion A: The graphs, tables, and diagrams are present in appropriate places (in the body paragraphs, after their descriptive introduction)
Comment: The figure is not properly introduced in the text. All figures should have a short description and explanation of the data they present to ensure the reader understands what is shown
Criterion A: The graphs, tables, and diagrams are present in appropriate places (in the body paragraphs, after their descriptive introduction)
Comment: The figure is not properly introduced in the text. All figures should have a short description and explanation of the data they present to ensure the reader understands what is shown
Criterion A: The graphs, tables, and diagrams are present in appropriate places (in the body paragraphs, after their descriptive introduction)
Comment: The figure is not properly introduced in the text. All figures should have a short description and explanation of the data they present to ensure the reader understands what is shown
Criterion A: All mathematical formulae, equations, and other calculations are centered
Comment: The equations are not centred. All calculations should be centred
Criterion E:
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Criterion A: All mathematical formulae, equations, and other calculations are centered
Comment: The equations are not centred. All calculations should be centred
Criterion E:
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Criterion A: All mathematical formulae, equations, and other calculations are centered
Comment: The equations are not centred. All calculations should be centred
Criterion A: All mathematical formulae, equations, and other calculations are centered
Comment: The equations are not centred. All calculations should be centred
Criterion A: All mathematical formulae, equations, and other calculations are centered
Comment: The equations are not centred. All calculations should be centred
Criterion A: All mathematical formulae, equations, and other calculations are centered
Comment: The equations are not centred. All calculations should be centred
Criterion A: All mathematical formulae, equations, and other calculations are centered
Comment: The equations are not centred. All calculations should be centred
Criterion A: All mathematical formulae, equations, and other calculations are centered
Comment: The equations are not centred. All calculations should be centred
Criterion E:
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Criterion A: All mathematical formulae, equations, and other calculations are centered
Comment: The equations are not centred. All calculations should be centred
Criterion E:
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Criterion A: All mathematical formulae, equations, and other calculations are centered
Comment: The equations are not centred. All calculations should be centred
Criterion B: Key terms/variables are defined and explained when first introduced
Comment: The student explains each variable in the formulas they present (e.g. different hypotheses denoted with H)
Criterion E:
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Criterion B: Key terms/variables are defined and explained when first introduced
Comment: The student explains each variable in the formulas they present (e.g. different hypotheses denoted with H)
Criterion B: Key terms/variables are defined and explained when first introduced
Comment: The student explains each variable in the formulas they present (e.g. different hypotheses denoted with H)
Criterion B: Key terms/variables are defined and explained when first introduced
Comment: The student explains each variable in the formulas they present (e.g. different hypotheses denoted with H)
Criterion B: Key terms/variables are defined and explained when first introduced
Comment: The student explains each variable in the formulas they present (e.g. different hypotheses denoted with H)
Criterion B: Key terms/variables are defined and explained when first introduced
Comment: The student explains each variable in the formulas they present (e.g. different hypotheses denoted with H)
Criterion B: Key terms/variables are defined and explained when first introduced
Comment: The student explains each variable in the formulas they present (e.g. different hypotheses denoted with H)
Criterion B: Key terms/variables are defined and explained when first introduced
Comment: The student explains each variable in the formulas they present (e.g. different hypotheses denoted with H)
Criterion B: The main concepts are described in the introduction
Comment: While the main concept of the work (the Mann-Whitney test) is not explained in the introduction it is clearly explained early on in the work
Criterion E:
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Criterion B: Additional terms are defined in detail in appropriate places (dependent on the development of the exploration)
Comment: The student explains the additional tests they perform to ensure their data is suitable to perform the Mann-Whitney test
Criterion E:
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Criterion B: Additional terms are defined in detail in appropriate places (dependent on the development of the exploration)
Comment: The student explains the additional tests they perform to ensure their data is suitable to perform the Mann-Whitney test
Criterion E:
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Criterion B: All mathematical calculations are explained and any data presentation is described
Comment: The figure is not properly introduced in the text. All figures should have a short description and explanation of the data they present to ensure the reader understands what is shown
Criterion B: All mathematical calculations are explained and any data presentation is described
Comment: The figure is not properly introduced in the text. All figures should have a short description and explanation of the data they present to ensure the reader understands what is shown
Criterion B: All mathematical calculations are explained and any data presentation is described
Comment: The figure is not properly introduced in the text. All figures should have a short description and explanation of the data they present to ensure the reader understands what is shown
Criterion B: All mathematical calculations are explained and any data presentation is described
Comment: The figure is not properly introduced in the text. All figures should have a short description and explanation of the data they present to ensure the reader understands what is shown
Criterion B: All mathematical calculations are explained and any data presentation is described
Comment: The figure is not properly introduced in the text. All figures should have a short description and explanation of the data they present to ensure the reader understands what is shown
Criterion B: All mathematical calculations are explained and any data presentation is described
Comment: The figure is not properly introduced in the text. All figures should have a short description and explanation of the data they present to ensure the reader understands what is shown
Criterion B: All mathematical calculations are explained and any data presentation is described
Comment: The figure is not properly introduced in the text. All figures should have a short description and explanation of the data they present to ensure the reader understands what is shown
Criterion B: The graphs, tables, and diagrams are labeled (titled and numbered) at the bottom
Comment: The table is not labeled. All figures should be numbered and titled. Figures should be labeled at the bottom to ensure design clarity and uniformity
Criterion B: The graphs, tables, and diagrams are labeled (titled and numbered) at the bottom
Comment: The table is labeled at the top. Figures should be labeled at the bottom to ensure design clarity and uniformity
Criterion E:
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Criterion B: The graphs, tables, and diagrams are labeled (titled and numbered) at the bottom
Comment: The table is labeled at the top. Figures should be labeled at the bottom to ensure design clarity and uniformity
Criterion B: The graphs, tables, and diagrams are labeled (titled and numbered) at the bottom
Comment: The table is not labeled. All figures should be numbered and titled. Figures should be labeled at the bottom to ensure design clarity and uniformity
Criterion B: The graphs, tables, and diagrams are labeled (titled and numbered) at the bottom
Comment: The table is labeled at the top. Figures should be labeled at the bottom to ensure design clarity and uniformity
Criterion B: The graphs, tables, and diagrams are labeled (titled and numbered) at the bottom
Comment: The graph is not labeled. All figures should be numbered and titled. Figures should be labeled at the bottom to ensure design clarity and uniformity
Criterion B: The graphs, tables, and diagrams are labeled (titled and numbered) at the bottom
Comment: The table is not labeled. All figures should be numbered and titled. Figures should be labeled at the bottom to ensure design clarity and uniformity
Criterion B: The graphs, tables, and diagrams are labeled (titled and numbered) at the bottom
Comment: The figure is not labeled. All figures should be numbered and titled. Figures should be labeled at the bottom to ensure design clarity and uniformity
Criterion B: The graphs, tables, and diagrams are labeled (titled and numbered) at the bottom
Comment: The figure is not labeled. All figures should be numbered and titled. Figures should be labeled at the bottom to ensure design clarity and uniformity
Criterion B: The graphs, tables, and diagrams are labeled (titled and numbered) at the bottom
Comment: The figure is not labeled. All figures should be numbered and titled. Figures should be labeled at the bottom to ensure design clarity and uniformity
Criterion C:
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Criterion A: The topic of the Internal assessment is stated clearly and explained in the introduction
Comment: The student states their topic in the title - 'Investigating which type of protein achieves a greater increase in muscle mass'. The topic is further explained in the introduction - the student explains different types of proteins and how they are used in diets for building muscles and losing weight
Criterion C:
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Criterion C:
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Criterion C:
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Criterion C:
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Criterion D:
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Criterion D:
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Criterion D:
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Criterion D:
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Criterion D:
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Criterion D:
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Criterion D:
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Criterion D:
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Criterion D:
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Criterion D:
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Criterion E:
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Criterion B: The main concepts are described in the introduction
Comment: While the main concept of the work (the Mann-Whitney test) is not explained in the introduction it is clearly explained early on in the work
Criterion E:
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Criterion B: Additional terms are defined in detail in appropriate places (dependent on the development of the exploration)
Comment: The student explains the additional tests they perform to ensure their data is suitable to perform the Mann-Whitney test
Criterion E:
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Criterion B: Additional terms are defined in detail in appropriate places (dependent on the development of the exploration)
Comment: The student explains the additional tests they perform to ensure their data is suitable to perform the Mann-Whitney test
Criterion E:
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Criterion A: All mathematical formulae, equations, and other calculations are centered
Comment: The equations are not centred. All calculations should be centred
Criterion A: All mathematical formulae, equations, and other calculations are centered
Comment: The equations are not centred. All calculations should be centred
Criterion E:
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Criterion E:
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Criterion A: All mathematical formulae, equations, and other calculations are centered
Comment: The equations are not centred. All calculations should be centred
Criterion A: All mathematical formulae, equations, and other calculations are centered
Comment: The equations are not centred. All calculations should be centred