Arcadia University Regular Decision Acceptance Rate | Clastify

Arcadia University Regular Decision Acceptance Rate

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For the application year 2022, Arcadia University had a Regular Decision acceptance rate of 77.6%, accepting 2,942 out of 3,793 applicants. This rate remained consistent with the previous year's acceptance rate of 82.4% for the application year 2021, where 2,472 applicants were accepted from a pool of 3,000. The historical data indicates that while there is a slight decline in the acceptance rate from 2021 to 2022, the rates remain notably high, reflecting Arcadia's accessibility to a broad applicant base.

Regular Decision Acceptance Rate
Total RD Applicants: 3,793
Accepted RD Applicants: 2,942
Historical Regular Decision Acceptance Rates
Class ofRD ApplicantsRD AdmitsRD Acceptance Rate
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