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Bastyr University Acceptance Rate

For the application year 2024, Bastyr University has an overall acceptance rate of 34.1%, accepting 15 out of 44 applicants. The Early Action acceptance rate is 0.0% since there were no applicants, while the Regular Decision rate mirrors the overall rate at 34.1%. The waitlist data is not available, and transfer acceptance rates remain unspecified. The average GPA of accepted students stands at 3.15, with the predominant demographic being White at 66.0%, followed by Hispanic/Latino at 13.7% and Asian American at 11.4%.

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Overall Acceptance Rate
Total Applicants: 44
Accepted Applicants: 15
Regular Decision vs Early Action Acceptance Rates


RD Acceptance Rate
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EA Acceptance Rate
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Historical Acceptance Rates

For the application year 2024, Bastyr University reported an overall acceptance rate of 34.1%, with 44 applicants and 15 accepted. The Early Action (EA) acceptance rate was 0.0%, indicating no admissions from that category, while the Regular Decision (RD) acceptance rate mirrored the overall rate at 34.1%. Historical data for previous years is missing, which limits the ability to identify trends. This suggests that potential applicants should focus on the competitive nature of RD applications and consider their overall readiness and qualifications.

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Wait List Acceptance Rate

Bastyr University's wait list acceptance rate data is currently unavailable, as there are no figures reported for wait list offers, acceptances, or acceptance rates for the years 2020 to 2024. This lack of data suggests that there may not be a consistent trend or a significant number of admissions from the wait list in recent application cycles. Prospective applicants should remain aware that the wait list process at Bastyr may be unpredictable and that alternative plans should be considered.

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Transfer Acceptance Rate

Bastyr University's transfer acceptance rate data appears to be incomplete, as there are no figures available for the current application year and the historical years from 2020 to 2023. Consequently, we cannot analyze trends or performance across these years, including details on the number of applicants or accepted students, nor can we assess average GPAs of transfer applicants. This lack of data hampers our ability to gauge the competitiveness of the transfer admission process at Bastyr University.

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Domestic vs International Acceptance Rates


Domestic Acceptance Rate
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International Acceptance Rate
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Math: -
Reading: -


Math: -
English: -
Reading: -
Science: -
Acceptances by Race
Asian American11.4%
Black/African American8%
American Indian/Alaskan Native0.1%
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander0.8%
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