Bluefield College has an overall acceptance rate of 63.0% for the application year 2024, with 984 applicants and 620 accepted. The Early Action acceptance rate is 0.0%, as there were no applicants in this category, while the Regular Decision acceptance rate also stands at 63.0%. The college's transfer acceptance rate matches the overall rate at 63.0%, with 984 applicants and 620 accepted. The institution reports a 25th percentile SAT score of 870 and a 75th percentile score of 1085, alongside an average GPA of 3.31. Historical data shows consistent acceptance rates of 63.0% for the most recent years, reinforcing the stability of admissions practices at Bluefield College.
In the application year 2022, Bluefield College had an overall acceptance rate of 63.0%, with 984 applicants and 620 students accepted. There was no reported Early Action (EA) data, while the Regular Decision (RD) acceptance rate mirrored the overall rate at 63.0%. No data is available for earlier years, making it difficult to analyze historical trends or fluctuations in acceptance rates.
Bluefield College's waitlist acceptance rate stands at a high 63.0% for the application year 2024, with 620 out of 984 waitlisted applicants being admitted. This rate is consistent with the previous year, 2022, which also recorded an acceptance rate of 63.0% with the same number of offers and acceptances. Historical data for earlier years is not available, but the strong acceptance rate in recent years indicates a stable and predictable process for waitlisted applicants at Bluefield College.
Bluefield College's transfer acceptance rate stands at 63.0% for the application year 2024, with 620 of 984 applicants being accepted. This rate remains consistent with that of the previous application year, 2022, which also recorded a 63.0% acceptance rate from the same number of applicants. Historical data from earlier years (2019-2021) is unavailable, but the stable acceptance rate over the last two years indicates a steady approach to transfer admissions. The college continues to attract a robust number of applicants, reinforcing its appeal as a viable option for transfer students.
Race | Applicants |
White | 76% |
Black/African American | 15.6% |
Hispanic/Latino | 3.7% |
Asian American | 0.31% |
American Indian/Alaskan Native | 0.08% |
Two or More Races | 4.33% |
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