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Carlow College Acceptance Rate

Carlow College has reported an overall acceptance rate of 94.6% for the application year 2024, with 1,193 applicants and 1,130 admissions. The domestic acceptance rate stands significantly higher at 98.8% for 1,124 applicants, while the international acceptance rate is notably lower at 29.0%, with 69 applicants. The waitlist acceptance rate is 20.0%, with 1,124 students offered a place and 225 admitted. Additionally, the transfer acceptance rate is 20.0% for 2024, with an average GPA of admitted transfers at 3.6. Historical trends show steady acceptance rates, ranging from 92.8% (2021) to 94.6% (2024).

college cover
Overall Acceptance Rate
Total Applicants: 1,193
Accepted Applicants: 1,130
Historical Acceptance Rates

Carlow College's overall acceptance rate has shown a generally upward trend over recent years, reaching 94.6% for the application year 2024, with 1,193 applicants and 1,130 accepted. This marks a slight increase from 94.2% in 2023, where 1,060 applicants resulted in 998 acceptances. Additionally, the acceptance rate for 2022 was 93.7%, with 1,158 applicants accepted. The data indicates a consistent acceptance pattern, with increasing rates over the last several years, showcasing the college's accessibility to prospective students.

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Wait List Acceptance Rate

Carlow College's wait list acceptance rate for the application year 2024 stands at 20.0%, with 225 out of 1,124 students offered admission from the wait list. Historical data reveals no prior wait list statistics for previous years; thus, 2024 represents the first recorded figures for the wait list at the college. This 20.0% acceptance rate provides a clear indicator of the college's selectivity and the potential for increased opportunities for wait listed candidates compared to earlier years with no admissions data.


Offered a Place




Acceptance Rate
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Transfer Acceptance Rate

Carlow College's transfer acceptance rate for the application year 2023 stands at 20.0%, with 225 out of 1,124 applicants gaining admission. This rate remains consistent with the previous year's acceptance rate, also at 20.0%. Notably, there is a lack of available data for the years 2020 to 2022, indicating a gap in historical trends. With an average GPA of 3.6 among applicants, Carlow continues to attract capable students seeking transfer opportunities.

Transfer Acceptance Rate
Total Applicants: 1,124
Accepted Applicants: 225
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Domestic vs International Acceptance Rates


Domestic Acceptance Rate
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International Acceptance Rate
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Math: 495-600
Reading: 520-600


Math: 17-21
English: 18-25
Reading: -
Science: -
Acceptances by Race
Black/African American19%
American Indian/Alaskan Native0.4%
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander0.1%
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