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National College of Chiropractic Acceptance Rate

The National College of Chiropractic has an overall acceptance rate of 4.0% for the application year 2024, with 33,767 applicants and 1,337 accepted. Both Early Action (EA) and Regular Decision (RD) acceptance rates stand at 4.0%, with EA seeing 20,260 applicants and 802 accepted, while RD had 13,507 applicants with 535 accepted. The transfer acceptance rate is also 3.5%, with 850 applicants and 30 accepted, reflecting a steady trend in past years. The waitlist saw 850 offers, yielding a 3.5% acceptance rate, up from 2.5% the previous year, indicating increasing opportunities for waitlisted candidates.

college cover
Overall Acceptance Rate
Total Applicants: 33,767
Accepted Applicants: 1,337
Regular Decision vs Early Action Acceptance Rates


RD Acceptance Rate
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EA Acceptance Rate
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Historical Acceptance Rates

The National College of Chiropractic has maintained a consistent overall acceptance rate of 4.0% from 2015 through 2024, indicating a stable but highly competitive admissions environment. Throughout this decade, no significant fluctuations in the acceptance rates have been observed, with the figure remaining constant at 4.0% each year. This steadiness suggests that the applicant pool is competitive, as the college continues to select only a small percentage of its applicants for admission.

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Wait List Acceptance Rate

For the application year 2024, the National College of Chiropractic offered 850 students a place on the wait list, with 30 ultimately gaining admission, resulting in a 3.5% acceptance rate. This marks an increase from the previous year, 2023, where 1,000 were offered a spot but only 25 were accepted, yielding a 2.5% rate. Historical data shows a consistent upward trend in acceptance rates over the past few years, with rates rising from 1.4% in 2020, to 1.9% in 2021, 2.2% in 2022, and 3.5% in 2024. This trend demonstrates an increasing likelihood for applicants on the wait list to gain admission over the years.


Offered a Place




Acceptance Rate
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Transfer Acceptance Rate

The National College of Chiropractic has reported a transfer acceptance rate of 3.5% for the application year 2023, with 30 out of 850 applicants accepted. This low acceptance rate mirrors the institution's selective admissions process, particularly given the historical trend where the acceptance rate was exceptionally high at 100.0% in 2022, albeit with only one applicant. Notably, the average GPA of accepted transfer students stands at 3.79, indicating a competitive applicant pool. Data for 2021 and 2020 is unavailable, but the marked decrease in acceptance rates suggests a more rigorous evaluation of transfer candidates recently.

Transfer Acceptance Rate
Total Applicants: 850
Accepted Applicants: 30
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Domestic vs International Acceptance Rates


Domestic Acceptance Rate
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International Acceptance Rate
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Math: -
Reading: -


Math: -
English: -
Reading: -
Science: -
Acceptances by Race
Black/African American12%
Race or Ethnicity Unknown4%
Two or More Races3%
Nonresident Alien2%
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander1%
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