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Tennessee Technological University Acceptance Rate

Tennessee Technological University has an overall acceptance rate of 78.1% for the application year 2024, with 7,229 applicants and 5,646 accepted. Historical data shows slight fluctuations, with a rate of 79.0% in 2023 and 78.1% in 2022. The transfer acceptance rate is notably higher at 68.0%, with 1,719 applicants and 1,169 accepted. Additionally, no students were admitted from the waitlist in 2024, reflecting a 0% acceptance rate. SAT scores for the 25th and 75th percentiles are 1,050 and 1,260, while ACT scores range from 21 to 27, with an average GPA of 3.63.

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Overall Acceptance Rate
Total Applicants: 7,229
Accepted Applicants: 5,646
Historical Acceptance Rates

Tennessee Technological University’s overall acceptance rate for the application year 2024 stands at 78.1%, with 7,229 applicants and 5,646 admitted. This marks a slight decrease from the 79.0% acceptance rate in 2023, which saw 7,429 applicants and 5,877 admissions. Notably, the acceptance rate decreased significantly from 69.0% in 2021 to 78.1% in 2022, indicating a trend of increasing selectivity in recent years. Historical data also shows variability, with acceptance rates fluctuating from a low of 64.4% in 2018 to a high of 79.0% in 2020.

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Wait List Acceptance Rate

Tennessee Technological University's wait list acceptance rate has remained consistently low in recent years. For the application year 2024, 7,229 applicants were offered a place on the wait list, but none were accepted, resulting in a 0.0% acceptance rate. This mirrors the previous year, 2023, where 6,412 were also offered a wait list position with an identical 0.0% acceptance rate. Historical data for earlier years is not available, but current trends indicate a lack of movement from the wait list, highlighting the need for applicants to have backup options.


Offered a Place




Acceptance Rate
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Transfer Acceptance Rate

Tennessee Technological University has a transfer acceptance rate of 68.0% for the application year 2024, with 1,719 applicants, of whom 1,169 were accepted. This rate has remained consistent since 2019, where the same acceptance rate and number of applicants were recorded. The average GPA of accepted transfer students is 3.63, indicating a solid academic background among the candidates. The data for the years 2020 through 2023 is unavailable, so it's unclear if there have been any fluctuations in those years.

Transfer Acceptance Rate
Total Applicants: 1,719
Accepted Applicants: 1,169
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Math: 520-640
Reading: 530-620


Math: 20-26
English: 21-28
Reading: -
Science: -
Acceptances by Race
Black/African American4.55%
Two or More2.84%
Asian American2.09%
American Indian/Alaskan Native0.182%
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander0.0606%
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